I’ve started up a brand new mailshot/newsletter over on Substack, which is designed to bring you the best of the internet for online tools, platforms, software, and gear, as well as offering my thoughts and advice from having been a business owner in the creative industries for many years.
Podcasting will obviously be playing a good part in all of this, so you’ll find tips, useful tools, software and platforms that could be helpful in your podcast journey, all delivered directly to your inbox.
It’s only when I recently stopped and thought about the things I’ve learned over the years, and the skills I’ve developed, that I thought it might be beneficial to start sharing this in the form of a newsletter, bringing you news and info that you mightn’t have come across before.
So, if that’s something that might interest you, you can subscribe to The Digital Generalist over on Substack for free, and have all future editions delivered directly, as well as viewable permanently on the Substack website too.